Analysis: Viewing Options

Analysis: Viewing Options

Viewing Options allows selecting the channels and localizations of interest and customizing them for rendering and visualization:

  1. Color: set the rendering parameters for visualization of both the raw images and localizations:
    1. Raw Rendering (Per Channel): customize the Color, Brightness, and Contrast for the raw rendering of each channel:
    2. Localization Rendering (Per Channel): customize the color map (Channel, Frame Index, or Z-Position), Color, thresholds (Minimum and Maximum), and localization size (Gaussian Width) for the localization rendering of each channel.
    3. Raw Rendering (Global): check to Show Maximum Projection instead of an individual frame.
    4. Localization Rendering (Global): check to Show Filtered Points In Grey instead of simply removing them or set the rendering method for localization to either Fixed or Precision, in which the rendering size of localization is defined by Gaussian Width or its exact precision value.
    5. Tracks Rendering: customize the color map (Channel, Diffusion Co., First Frame Index, or Track Length) for the track rendering.
    6. Custom Image: select an image for background rendering.
  2. Name: show the channel (raw image) index.
  3. Raw: tick to render the raw image of a channel. You can click on Raw to check/uncheck for all channels.
  4. Localizations: tick to render the localization of a channel. You can click on Localizations to check/uncheck for all channels. Note that the localization channels are linked by groups.
  5. Contrast: apply auto-contrast to a channel (raw image) once. You can click on Contrast to apply to all channels.
  6. Frame Index: select the frame to render the channel (raw image).
It is recommended to use CODI for data visualization and analysis. If at any point you are having issues with visualization, please do not hesitate to contact the CX team.

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