Function: Overview Scan

Function: Overview Scan

The Overview Scan function allows acquiring a mosaic containing multiple positions for identifying the imaging positions (e.g. cell positions):
  1. Scan Parameters: set the origin and number of tiles to acquire for X and Y.
  2. Set Initial Position as Current Stage Position: set the origin to the current position.
  3. Advanced:
    1. Frames Per FOV: set the number of frames to acquire per field of view.
    2. Stage Speed: set the translation mode to either Accurate or Fast.
    3. Focus Speed: set the focus mode to Accurate, Fast, or Off.
  4. Display Parameters: set the lower and upper threshold for the Percentiles contrast method.
  5. Channel 0/Channel 1: select the channel for preview and export.
  6. Run Scan/Cancel: start/stop the overview scan.
  7. Export To Tiff: export the rendered preview to a Tiff file.


  1. Set the focus reference and enable the Z lock.
  2. Click on Overview Scan to open the overview window.
  3. In the pop-up window, set the origin and number of tiles for both axes, and click on Run Scan to start the scan.
  4. Once the scan is finished, navigate to a sample position by double-left-clicking in the rendered preview. Zooming in/out is also supported in the preview.

  5. Click on Export To Tiff to export the rendered preview (wide-field) to a Tiff file if needed.


  1. The overview rendering will be cleared if you close the window and it is recommended to minimize and maximize the window.
  2. The scan will always start from the position specified in Initial X-Position and Initial Y-Position.
  3. Export To Tiff will only export the current channel (either 0 or 1).
  4. Row-major (X first) snake scanning is used, in which the stage always moves along the positive Y direction.

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