Camera calibration with NimOS 19.7 (and above)

Camera calibration with NimOS 19.7 (and above)

The procedure takes around 10 min


1- Log in the Nanoimager laptop with an administrator account 

2- If not already done, Download CODI Acquisition from the following link (1gb)


3- Install CODI Acquisition and accept every prompt window during installation 

4- With NimOS being closed, start CODI System App and wait until the status turns green: “Status Running”. If it turns red with “error” or never turns green, contact our support team for help.

5- Open Google Chrome and go to and connect to your CODI account. If you do not have a CODI account, just create a new one.  

6- Go to

If CODI is asking for an update, you can dismiss it.

7- Click on Calibrate camera on the left side

7- Wait for roughly 5 min while the system is running the calibration. If nothing happen after 10 min, get in touch with our ONI support team. 

8- Click yes when prompted

9- Press enter when prompted 

10- Close the CODI system app either by closing the window with the cross on the top right corner.

11- Once completed if 19.7 is not already installed on the computer, download NimOS 19.7 here

12- Go into C:\Program Files and delete any folder called OxfordNanoimaging

12- Install NimOS 19.7 

13- You are all set!

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