how to .... dSTORM?
Quick Guide: How to acquire dSTORM acquisition
dSTORM image acquisition Start the Nanoimager and let the temperature stabilize to avoid drifts during acquisition. The stable microscope temperature is 6-7 C higher than room temperature(RT). To reach this stage quickly enter the desired (RT+ 6 C) ...
Acquire 3D dSTORM image
Start the Nanoimager using the instrument data file for a set for 3D mapping. You will not require this file is you are using a single channel for 3D imaging. (Note: Engaging 3D lens to disrupt 2D mapping and a change in camera region is required to ...
3 Color dSTORM acquisition
The Nanoimager camera records data in two channels, left (green) or right (red), and these channels are generated using a dichroic mirror. The laser-specific emission channel depends on the dichroic split fitted in your Nanoimager microscope. Your ...