FAQ and tech specs
Display troubleshooting guide
Important information about screen glitch following computer update on the Nanoimager laptop This note addresses a bug which came to our attention recently that can result in various resolution issues on the Nanoimager laptop. This seems to be ...
Service Desk
To access all the articles and guides on our Service Desk (or Knowledge Base), you will need to Sign Up from the top right corner of the home page and create an account: Input your preferred name and email address (preferably not a personal email ...
What is the heat dissipation of the system?
The whole system should run on average at 1000 BTU/hr and a maximum at 1500 BTU/hr. It is in the end a very small system and it does not run with a lot of Watts.
What slides/samples are compatible with the system? The Nanoimager works optimally with #1.5H coverslips, which have 170µm thickness. The most popular chambers are: ibidi (µ-Slide 8 Well Glass Bottom, No. 1.5) ] Lab-Tek (Nunc™ Lab-Tek™ II Chambered ...