NimOS Controls
Quick Guide: how to acquire single-particle tracking (SPT) imaging
1. Start the Nanoimager and let the temperature stabilize to avoid drifts during acquisition. The stable microscope temperature is 6-7 ºC higher than room temperature (RT). To reach this stage quickly enter the desired (RT+ 6 ºC) in the temperature ...
User Control
User Control: Click on Settings > User Settings to open the user window. Current User: set the user name for the current user. Each user has a unique acquisition setting and adding a new user creates a separate output folder in "C:/data/username" by ...
Keyboard Control
NimOS offers several keyboard controls. To activate the keyboard control, left-click on any of the channels. Arrows: controls X/Y translation. PgUp/PgDn: controls Z translation. Ctrl: activate coarse translation (faster speed). The speed can be ...
Image Display Control
Image Display Control: Channel 0 and/or Channel 1: select the channels for viewing and acquisition. Percentiles or Photon Counts: select one contrast method and set the corresponding threshold for viewing, in which the contrast for each channel is ...
Acquisition Control
Acquisition Control: A and B: allow to have 2 global acquisition configurations. For example, use A for taking an actual acquisition and B for taking a snapshot (one frame). Exposure (ms)/Frequency (Hz): set the exposure time or frequency for camera ...
Temperature Control
Temperature Control: Target: set the target temperature. All the thermistor readings can be monitored in the Microscope Box Temperature tab: Current: show the temperature feedback in real-time, averaged from all thermistors. Hover around the current ...
Optical Control / TIRF
Optical Control: Target: set the target illumination angle. Hover around the target angle box to show the angle range of the illumination: Current: show the illumination angle feedback in real-time. For more details on finding the correct TIRF angle, ...
Stage Control
Stage Control: For instructions on how to control the stage using the keyboard, click on the exclamation button . Target Position: set the target stage position in mm. Hover around the target position box to show the preset translation range of each ...
NimOS Tabs
NimOS Tabs: Files: Load Data: open an acquisition, which will then appear in the Analyze interface. Instrument: Instrument Config: show general information about the microscope. Manual Connect: manually select an instrument file to connect to the ...
Laser Control
Light Control: A and B: allow to have 2 global laser configurations. For example, put lower power in A for preview and put higher power in B for imaging. Laser Tab: turn on/off the laser. The laser is on when the tab is light and is off when the tab ...
NimOS Overview
NimOS is the software used to control the microscope. Basic controls and terms are highlighted below. For video instructions on how to use NimOS to take an acquisition, check here. For NimOS tabs, check here. For laser control, check here. For stage ...